Clémentine Dominé


I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, supervised by Andrew Saxe and Caswell Barry, working at the intersection of theoretical neuroscience and theoretical machine learning. My research seeks to develop mathematical toolkits suitable for describing complex and flexible learning mechanisms in both artificial and biological agents.

*First Author

  • Kunin, D.*, Raventós, A.*, Dominé, C., Chen, F., Klindt, D., Saxe, A. & Ganguli, S., 2024. Get rich quick: Exact solutions reveal how unbalanced initializations promote rapid feature learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Neurips),38, (Spotlight). [paper]
  • Fumero, M., Rodolá, E., Dominé, C., Locatello, F., Dziugaite, K. and Mathilde, C., 2024, May. Preface of UniReps: the First Workshop on Unifying Representations in Neural Models. In Proceedings of UniReps: the First Workshop on Unifying Representations in Neural Models (pp. 1-10). PMLR. [paper]
  • Dominé, C. *, Braun, L.*, Fitzgerald, J.E., and Saxe, A.M., 2023. Exact learning dynamics of deep linear networks with prior knowledge. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2023(11), p.114004. [paper]
  • Braun, L.*, Dominé, C.*, Fitzgerald, J., and Saxe, A., 2022. Exact learning dynamics of deep linear networks with prior knowledge. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, pp.6615-6629. [paper]
  • Pegoraro, M. *, Dominé, C.*, Rodolà, E., Veličković, P., and Deac, A., 2023. Geometric Epitope and Paratope Prediction. Bioinformatics, 40(7), p.btae405. [paper]
  • Dominé, C.*; Anguita,N*; Proca, AM.; Braun, L; Kunin;D Mediano, P.A.M. ; Saxe , A.M.; 2024. From Lazy to Rich: Exact Learning Dynamics in Deep Linear Networks. arXiv. [paper]
  • Thompson, E., Rollik, L., Waked, B., Mills, G., Kaur, J., Geva, B., Carrasco-Davis, R., George, T., Domine, C., Dorrell, W. and Stephenson-Jones, M., 2024. Replay of procedural experience is independent of the hippocampus. bioRxiv, pp.2024-06. [paper]
  • Dominé, C.*, Carrasco Davis, R.A. *, Hollingsworth, L., Sirmpilatze, N., Tyson, A.L., Jarvis, D., Barry, C., and Saxe, A.M., 2024. Neural Playground: A Standardised Environment for Evaluating Models of Hippocampus and Entorhinal Cortex. bioRxiv, pp.2024-03. [paper]


Dec 11, 2024 I will be at NeurIPS 2024, presenting our Spotlight paper Get rich quick: exact solutions reveal how unbalanced initializations promote rapid feature learning. Make sure to also come along to the UniReps workshop!🔵🔴
Dec 1, 2024 In Santa Barbara for the Follow-on Program at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics! 🌴🍊
Jun 16, 2024 I am excited to announce that I will be visiting the Zuckerman Institute at Columbia University in New-York this Autumn to collaborate with Dr. Kimberly Stachenfeld! 🎉 🍊
Jun 1, 2024 Published Proceedings of the Workshop: UniReps: Unifying Representations in Neural Models at NeurIPS 2023 conference! You can access them here. 🎉 🍊